Creative Cat Media has been developing digital media for over a decade, celebrating its 10 year anniversary in September 2019.
Co-owners Cindy Rodella-Purdy and John A. Purdy based the company on their 30+ years in illustration, graphic design, photography, videography, web development, print media, and most recently, drone photos/videos and book publishing.
“It’s been a wild ride – like herding cats on a roller coaster,” says John. We’ve had our ups and downs but through our consistent efforts and the support of our clients, we’re a very strong company.
Cindy Rodella-Purdy is President and Illustrative Designer for Creative Cat, having come from a background in traditional and digital design. She’s also a rare cat in that she can utilize both her right-brain creative and left-brain logic. She’s technically skilled in tools like Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and is Creative Cat’s primary WordPress website developer.
John A. Purdy takes on the roles of Vice-President, photographer, drone pilot, interactive media developer, and project manager. His expertise includes tools such as Photoshop, Hype, Premiere, iMovie, WordPress, and a plethora of business management applications.
“Our relationships with our clients have been the best part of the last 10 years. Many of them we can truly call friends,” says Cindy. “We’ve also expanded the company recently to include book publishing via our imprint, Creative Cat Books. At this time we’re focusing on our own children’s book titles, but have plans to grow our book development in the future. It’s an exciting time for us!”
To learn more about Creative Cat Media, visit their primary website at